Sunday, July 19, 2020

They're moving!

Now less than two weeks to go! Squee!


She's starting to get pretty big with an obvious belly and you can feel the pups moving around when you hold her sides. She's been groaning too if you go to touch her belly lol, poor girlie. I have an xray scheduled for Friday 24th to get a count.


We are still hiking though I'm keeping her on leash at times when she might want to take off running with the other dogs. My dogs are all pretty well under control (she's actually the instigator most of the time) so without that they have been respectful. 


We spend most of our humid, warm day hanging out in the puppy room now. I am working on paintings and she is chilling next to me on the bed. This is pretty standard for me, to get the dam used to hanging out in there. This week I will get the whelping box sanitized and all my kit organized, I will set up my Nintendo on the TV in there and we will spend time just hanging out in the whelping box together too. Can't wait until the puppies are born and to see what we get! 

Friday, July 10, 2020

Less than a month to go!

Just about 3 weeks left in Floofen's pregnancy. 

Does this pool make my belly look big? 

I'm starting to get a little nervous, worrying about if there is an emergency and I need to take her for a c-section. That's always a concern, but now with pandemic rules I'm especially uncomfortable imagining handing her off to some tech in the parking lot, in the middle of the night and just waiting for a call several hours later to find out what happened. 


This week she's started to gain noticeable weight, it's impacting her gait and her energy levels. I stopped letting her come on adventures, and may stop hiking her soon too. Not so much that the hike is too much but more the racing with the other dogs. So maybe bring her on leash? 


She's still keen to play and run. Maybe a little more cuddly than usual, but she's a pretty snuggly dog anyway. She's very hungry, but with her being smaller and perhaps this being a smaller litter I won't increase her food until the very last week, and maybe not until after she delivers. She will be so excited for mommy diet though! lol 


This terrible photo I took tonight is her current diet. I feed a mixture of kibble and raw (some dogs eat only raw, some eat only kibble - but she get a mix.) Every day she gets a vitamin powder, (switch between nupro and missing link) and also salmon oil or pollock oil (variety is the spice of life). Every meal has a raw, fertilized chicken egg, courtesy of my farm. Tonight is ground chicken, bone and organ, but tomorrow will be beef, the next night lamb. 


I'm going to try to post regularly, hopefully this works for the email followers! 

Thursday, July 2, 2020

SFF Dogs

SFF: it stands for “some fucking farm” and is kind of a joke, so when someone asks where your dog is from because they think it’s nice after you’ve done all the training and work, I like making you say “some fucking farm” 😁😁

I've started this blog as an attempt to keep a journal of what I do while raising puppies. I have had a lot of interest from people who don't necessarily want a puppy from me, perhaps stalkers, perhaps want one in the future, or any number of other reasons. I used to just add anyone to the FB group for the litter and let them audit, but this will allow me to be able to share what happens here at the farm without degrading the privacy of people who are planning to get a puppy.